"Are you kidding" the girl behind the teller window said to a man standing on the other side of the glass who had handed her an envelope that said ROBBERY.... Here's what made the teller balk: The scalp around the robbers cap was bald and liver-spotted; the body under his shirt was thin and stooped. ONe of the other tellers would tell the police he looked to be in his seeventies or eighties; the teller he robbed thought he was about 90. They were off by at least a decade; Roundtree, known as Red to almost everyone who knows him, was born in 1911- just one year after Bonnie and two years after Clyde. He was married at 20, a millionaire at 50, bankrupt at 60, widowed at 70; and only then, when most men are luxuriating in the relief of their retirement, did Red Roundtree begin his second career. He began robbing banks in his eighties, he was finishing up a three-year sentence in a federal prison in Floriday when he was 90, and when he walked out of the bank in Abilene with an envelope full of cash and the cops already alerted, he was a full 91 years old, and he wasn't kidding. Not at all. JL Hunter Roundtree doesn't see the harm in his crimes; "Okate, it's stealing," he says, "But it's FUN stealing"
reading this in gq right now... kinda awesome...
reading this in gq right now... kinda awesome...