AT&T to throttle data speeds for 'unlimited' hogs

Alright, so AT&T is now throttling those of us with grandfathered unlimited plans on our phones... and it's not just rumor, I started experiencing this 2 weeks ago and it's been consistant since, once I start using data in the morning my speeds quickly drop to a fraction of what people around me are getting. However, they claim they aren't going to do it till October 1st, then why AT&T am I feeling it now!

AT&T Inc. said Friday that it's going to start limiting speeds for the 5 percent of its customers with "unlimited" data smartphone plans who clog the airwaves the most.

The measure will take effect Oct. 1, AT&T said, and is intended to alleviate congestion on the network.

T-Mobile USA already throttles users who go over certain limits for data consumption.

AT&T stopped signing up new customers for "unlimited" plans last year. Instead, it now lets heavy users pay extra when they go over a certain data allotment.

See the rest HERE

See other issues I've had with AT&T HERE


Actually Kind of Limited Data Plan of the Day
see more TDW Geeks


AT&T Goes Against Everything They've Said

AT&T is making a mad money grab by having a monopoly or duopoly in many of the areas they do business. By imposing a 250gb bandwidth cap starting next month they royally screw their customers, unless you want to get dinged with 10$ charge after 10$ charge for every 50gb you go over.


At 10mbps, it would take 2 Days 11 Hours 39 Minutes to download 250GB...

At 1.5mbps, it would take 16 Days 2 Hours 20 Minutes to downoad 250GB...

At 24Mbps, one of their services, it wouldn't take a day to use your cap.

From AT&T's own marketing.  


  • Why switch to AT&T U-verse—Compare AT&T U-verse to your current provider.
  • U-verse BandwidthWe don't limit your bandwidth to a particular amount.
  • IPTV Technology—We use the Internet with computer networking to bring HD television right into your home.
  • Fiber Technology—We use existing fiber to deliver all your entertainment to your television, computer and phone.
  • 911 Service—We automatically include E911 service with your AT&T U-verse Voice service.
  • U-verse Voice and Home Alarms—AT&T U-verse Voice will work with most types and brands of home alarms.
  • Battery Backup—We make sure you have Voice service during a power outage.
  • Terminal Backup—We ensure an uninterrupted power supply for your Optical Network Terminal.
  • AT&T ConnecTech®—Extensive options for connecting your entertainment and communications hardware.

Currently there are 88 pages on this one thread alone with absolutely enraged customers mad at AT&T. Google, please buy AT&T's internet branch and let us be bandwidth cap free, then bring us all gigabit!


I'm very sad as I use half of that just in video/podcasts a week as I listen to 16-20 hours of audio a day at work (double speed), I have several TB of data backed up online, uploading just 1 hour of 960p video offsite backup or to youtube from my GoPro would take me past my cap. 1 hour: 265.42 GB... not to mention uploading all the stuff I shoot with my SLR... and guess what, I either stay with AT&T and their 250GB cap, then pay 10$ for every 50gb I go over, or switch to Comcast and have 260GB Cap. *sigh* Duopoly *gag*