Sophie's world: a novel about the history of philosophy

Sophie's WorldSophie's World by Jostein Gaarder
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

To date I've bought 33, yes thirty-three, copies of this book. Jostein Gaarder did a great job writing it. Sophie is a young girl, who finds herself enrolling in... a correspondence course of sorts regarding philosophy... before long she finds herself in an Alice-in-Wonderland sort of aventure through her life and someone named Helga's. The book was written for a younger audience, by a childrens teacher to help them learn philosophy and to help develop a philisophical view on life. I've given a copy of this book to many many people that I know and they've all enjoyed it. I suggest reading it a few times after you purchase it. Now stop reading my review and BUY THIS BOOK!

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