Water balls a "deadly danger": CPSC

Heh “water walking balls” the consumer product safety commission is warning people away from them. It’s a ball your child gets in, zip up, and walk on water… you can’t unzip it from the inside…

Walking on water isn't only the stuff of Bible texts these days. It's being done all around the world and here in the U.S., thanks to a special bubble. But the federal government is now warning consumers this latest fad could be fatal.

"Early Show" Consumer Correspondent Susan Koeppen reports the Consumer Product Safety Commission is now saying these balls can lead to suffocation or drowning.

Read the CPSC consumer warning

Introduced three years ago, manufacturers say there are now more than 1,000 water balls in the United States. From water parks to backyard pools, "water walking balls" are the latest amusement craze to sweep the nation.

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