My genetic ancestry

My genetic ancestry as per


Asia South <1%
Europe West 75% (Primarily located in: Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein)
Great Britain 7%
Ireland 5%
Iberian Peninsula 4%
Scandinavia 3%
Italy/Greece 3%
Europe East 1%
Pacific Islander <1%
Trace Regions <1%
Polynesia <1%

September 22, 2021 update: has provided a new Ethnicity Estimate

England & Northwestern Europe 40%

Scotland 24%

Germanic Europe 19%

Sweden & Denmark 13%

9-22-2021 Ethnicity Estimate

9-22-2021 Ethnicity Estimate



My genetic ancestry as per

Ancestry Composition tells you what percent of your DNA comes from each of 31 populations worldwide. The analysis includes DNA you received from all of your ancestors, on both sides of your family. The results reflect where your ancestors lived 500 years ago, before ocean-crossing ships and airplanes came on the scene.



British & Irish 38.5% French & German 9.5% Scandinavian 7.7% Broadly Northern European 34% Balkan 1% Iberian 0.7% Italian 0.3% Sardinian .2% Broadly Southern European 3.3% Broadly European 4.9% West African 0.1%


UPDATE 12/15/2015: updated their algorithm 


British & Irish 39.4%
French & German 9.6%
Scandinavian 7.8%
Broadly Northern European 33.2%
Balkan 1%
Iberian 0.7%
Italian 0.4%
Sardinian .2%
Broadly Southern European 3.1%
Broadly European 4.4%
West African 0.1%


My Neanderthal ancestry as per 23andme... I have 281 Neanderthal variants out of 2872 tested for. which puts my DNA at less than 4% Neanderthal. I have 0 Neanderthal variants associated with straighter hair, reduced tendency to sneeze after eating dark chocolate, less back hair and height.

The following is information generated from 23andme in regards to my sample. While the presence of a variant is not indicative that I will develop that trait/disorder/etc the possibility is there if the right combination of genes expressive themselves in a way as to bring about that trait. 


  • Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss and Deafness, DFNB1 (GJB2-Related) NO NEARING LOSS

  • Lactose Intolerance Likely tolerant CONFIRMED

  • Saturated Fat and Weight Likely to weigh more on a high saturated fat diet UNKNOWN

  • Asparagus Odor Detection 61% chance can smell CONFIRMED

  • Bitter Taste 51% chance can taste CONFIRMED

  • Sweet Taste 66% chance prefers salty CONFIRMED

  • Alcohol Flush Reaction Unlikely to flush CONFIRMED

  • Caffeine Consumption Likely consumes more CONFIRMED, CAFFEINE TOLERANT

  • Sleep Movement Likely more movement during sleep CONFIRMED

  • Deep Sleep Less likely a deep sleeper CONFIRMED, LIGHT SLEEPER

  • Back Hair 25% chance a lot of upper back hair CONFIRMED, UPPER BACK HAIR

  • Cheek Dimples 57% chance no dimple FALSE, HAVE CHEEK DIMPLES

  • Cleft Chin 71% chance no cleft chin  CONFIRMED

  • Earwax Type 93% chance wet earwax CONFIRMED

  • Eye Color 65% chance darker eyes CONFIRMED

  • Finger Length Ratio 23% chance index finger longer, 77% chance ring finger longer CONFIRMED, RING FINGER LONGER

  • Freckles  61% chance little freckling CONFIRMED

  • Hair Curliness 28% chance curly, 72% chance straight or wavy CONFIRMED

  • Light or Dark Hair 56% chance dark CONFIRMED

  • Photic Sneeze Reflex 52% chance no photic sneeze reflex CONFIRMED

  • Skin Pigmentation 96% chance lighter skin CONFIRMED, TANS DARK THOUGH

  • Unibrow 91% chance little or no unibrow CONFIRMED, A FEW STRAY HAIRS

  • Widow's Peak 67% chance no widow's peak FALSE, HAVE WIDOW'S PEAK

OneFitWonder Sandbag System review

I recently came into the possession of a OneFitWonder Sandbag System and have had a week to play with it. Upon opening the box it came in I quickly saw it was very sturdy construction, I mean... it has to hold 100lbs of sand AND get moved around a LOT.

Each of the carriers have a thick hook and loop fastener strip on the outside AND another hidden on the inside to make sure the sand stays in.

The bag that the carriers go in has a military grade zipper and a flap outside of the zipper that is again a generous width of hook and loop fastener.

I chose to leave some extra room in the filler bags to ensure the sand would shift around making any exercises attempted that much more difficult, three carriers are included with the 100lb system which you fill with sand and then place inside the duffle.

It was easy getting the three filler bags into the duffle but it took a good minute of messing with it to actually be able to zip it up, the sand really didn't want to work with me, once I got it zipped though the bags move around good inside the duffle and the sand moves around well inside the filler bags.

Above I look pretty grumpy, it was just one of those days (and hey, the sun is in my eyes for crying out loud). Getting it to one's shoulder at about 80-85lbs is actually relatively easy (for me anyway) but once it's up on your shoulder you certainly feel it pulling that side of you toward the ground, the first day I walked around with it on each shoulder for several minutes and the following day my core was screaming at me "ermagerd we sore, y u do that 2 us?!"

Lunges are already difficult for me, my rather generous gut tends to make me a bit unstable, add one of these sandbags to a shoulder and it's a chore to stay upright.

Above I TRIED to press it, it didn't work. In fact I'm doing my best just to hold it up there. It's not that the weight is hard to get above my head, it's the simple fact I'm holding the handles for dear life and it STILL is sliding all over the place, ahh the joy of sand.


Once you get it over your shoulders you quickly find gravity is a harsh mistress, she's pulling you down with a vengeance. This is on my way down in a squat, I can get hips below parallel easily (I can without the weight too, I'm oddly flexible for a fat man) but keeping a good form with the sandbag on your shoulders isn't very easy, you tend to pull your chest in and push your back out, no bueno. I probably should do that with less sand in until I get used to the weight shifting but eh I was only squatting with the sandbag system for the photo, I get enough weighted squats in at CrossFit317.


Counterfeit junk silver.

So lately it's been brought to my attention there are a lot of counterfeit precious metal coins/rounds/bars floating around out there...

The coin on the right is counterfeit and was presumably manufactured in China. It eels right buuutttt the dead give away is the ping when you drop it, also the shield dots are too close together and you can see the mechanical wear on it. Whatever they used left stripes not unlike tree rings as well as an odd discoloration spot that makes the eagle look like he's passing gas.

Scary. Think it's time to stop buying junk and older bullion (online anyway) and only buy current year government minted from big name dealers (online anyway). You can hop on to several sites selling goods from China and order this crap all day long... junk silver, slabbed coins and rounds, ASE, Maples, big name mint rounds and bars etc.

I plan to cut or drill into it this weekend to see exactly what's in it, just trying to figure out which method will give me the cleanest look at the innards.

CrossFit: in which I attempt Annie

Today's WOD was Annie...

Double Under’s
(Advanced: GHD sit-ups)

Well, I can't do double unders so I subbed 3x the number in single's... my previous consecutive record of rope jumps was FOUR, tonight I hammered out the first 37 without a fumble, go me! Sadly it was down hill from there but hey that's ok, I'd only jumped rope for the first time EVER 2 Mondays ago!!!

It took be about 8 minutes to knock out that first 150 single unders, the most I've ever done by a factor of almost FOUR. I then paused momentarily to catch some of my breath and hit the mat for the sit-ups. I could do 2-3 sit-ups at a time before I'd have to stop to catch my wind, I mean I'm still over 300lbs and sitting up takes a LOT of effort for me still. By the time most of the folks were DONE with Annie I was still in my 40's on the FIRST round of sit-ups, coach walks over on my 49th time up and asks me how many left "huw huw huwon left fo fo for firrssssssttt round" and I go right back down on the mat and rocket back up, he squats low to give me a high five and tells me he's proud of me. Hell, I'm proud of me too... when I read the WOD on the site this morning I was like "feck, I can't do that, their bleeding mad!" and was 100% convinced I wouldn't even get 10 single unders done. Wow, I did 150 single unders and 50 sit ups. It's something, and in my opinion a damn good attempt. I look forward to the next time Annie comes around, I can't wait to see how much better I do!

I did buy a Valeo Deluxe Speed Rope 2 weeks ago but haven't even adjusted it yet, that 150 I did tonight is all the motivation I need to get that thing sized and start using it on days I don't go to the box for a WOD. Now, time to ice and roll my shins! Catch you guys next time.


CrossFit: The Filthy Fifty (Trying Twenty-Five)

Well today's WOD at CrossFit 317 was The Filthy Fifty

Filthy Fifty
For time:
50 Box jump (24/20)
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings (35/24)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press (45/35)
50 Back extensions
50 Wall balls (20/14)
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Coach Ashley was on top of it and scaled me down to 25, so I'm calling it Trying Twenty-Five! The only substitution I had to make (aside from halving it) was the knees to elbows in which I did v-ups (on already sore abs from the 45 v-ups during Wednesday's WOD where I'd substituted them for toes to bar). With those substitutions in mind I think I did pretty well, we were limited to 40 minutes and I managed to do 203 of the 250, given another 7-10 minutes I could have finished, I was running out of steam but I only had 22 burpees and 25 double unders (although I would have done singles, I can barely do singles, doubles are still beneath me but I did buy a rope and plan to start dedicating 5-10 minutes to singles Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays/Sundays, the days I don't do a WOD currently, till I've got them down well, right now I think my record in a row is 3 or 4).


  • Box Jumps: powered through, 3/4 of the class finished their 50 before I did my 25, a lot of that was demounting the box... my brain was like "you want me to do whaaaaat?" when I'd go to step backwards off to get ready to reset. By the end I was no longer hesitating though, I had a similar issue with ring rows at first.
  • Jumping pull-ups: actually not that bad and I had the added benefit of being sandwiched between two of the fairer sex doing theirs on either side of me, felt a bit liked a maddened tinpot dictator with his loyal (and deadly) female honor guard, Gaddafi's Amazonian Guard has (had I suppose) NOTHING on the girls of CrossFit 317!
  • Kettlebell swings: I'm no stranger to these, those of you that know me know I've a 1 and 2 pood here at the house, I powered through them as fast as my lungs and heart allowed. I was doing 50 a day with a 2-pood earlier this year while I'd watch tv every evening over the course of a few hours.
  • Walking lunge: lunges and world's greatest absolutely kill my heart and lungs, these took a few minutes to get done and at my weight I don't get anywhere near as low as anyone else, I'd get 7-8 in and have to stop for several seconds. My balance was also getting pretty sloppy at the end and aborted several attempts.
  • Knees to elbows: here I did v-ups, I was already quite sore from 45 of these on Wednesday as I learned after sneezing at work today. The first two weren't very fun but after that I honestly didn't notice any pain or tenderness, I did have to stop every 3-4 though for an equal length breather.
  • Push press: not too bad other than the fact I was pretty breathing quite hard by this point (and was winded the rest of the WOD and for a good 15 minutes after the 40 minutes was up). I made it through the first 20 in about a minute and a half and needed a drink bad at this point, had my drink and another 45 seconds or so of a breather then one of the previously mentioned fierce women locked eyes and gave me a good "come on just 10 more!" I sloppily shook my head and mouth 5 more while holding up fingers "come on then just 5 more" that was enough motivation, picked that bar back up, got into position and hammered those out.
  • Back extensions: I zombie shuffled to the other room and 3 people were doing back extensions already so I moved on to wall balls and came back after I'd finished them, I was the last person to do my back extensions. Managed to squeeze my long and thick legs in, get my hips set, go down for the first and one of the many voices in my brain sounds the klaxon "warning, warning, warning, attention arms and legs body is staring to list to bow, capsize imminent warning warning warning" but the coach was still in the room so I tried to shut the voice up and did a few, she left and I shot up like a rocket to get the internal klaxon to shut off. The next 7 or 8 were similar, once I had those done though my brain was finally listening to me "oh, ok, we aren't going to fall forward and die, ok, very well then". Got to 22, had to stop for a good 30-45 seconds and then struggled through the last 3.
  • Wall balls: wall balls aren't my friend, while I have one of the deepest squats in the gym (all 3 coaches have complimented it, see working on electronics on the floor and not wanting to sit down WAS exercise people, holding those very deep squats has paid off) it's the coming out of it part that really taxes the heart and lungs... I can get the ball up fine (usually have to dial it down or I send it too far up and can stop and make tea while I wait for it to return from an attempt to become the next artificial satellite around our planet) but I can do 3-5 before I have to stop and start embracing the void to slow my heart rate and lungs, hey an archery skill comes in handy here... see sometimes holding that string back for minutes before loosing an arrow wasn't me being weird it was a mental exercise that pays off a lot, this is just one avenue it's helpful. It took me probably five minutes to get through the 25.
  • Burpees: I got to these after back extensions, the last 3 back extensions had the heart and lungs going hard enough I was a wet noodle trying to stand up, it was 2 minutes easy before I even got up and another 45 seconds before I got to the first burpee, at this point I had 1 minute left on the clock, I did the first one and shot up, got down for the second one and started to melt into the floor, 15 seconds left and I shoot up and right back down, 1 second left and with a groan not unlike the Titanic striking that iceberg (or torpedo, the verdict is still out) I pushed myself up to one knee then stood up, time over, jumped and finished that 3rd burpee.
  • Double unders: unfortunately I never got around to these, which is probably a good thing... I felt pukey getting ready to make an apperance after that 3rd burpee and if he didn't before I finished them he certainly would have before I finished 25 singles with the rope.

Well, there you have it. A 300+ pound man's attempt at the Filthy Fifty, or as I would put it the Trying Twenty-Five. This ends my first month of CrossFit, it's certainly been an exhausting (and frustraing sometimes) experience but I paid for my 2nd month yesterday. I like it, it's tough but the coaches over at CrossFit 317 are great and so are the members. I doubt I'll ever remember a fraction of the names but the regular faces I see are already feeling like comrades in arms, family forged in the firey bowels of the psychological & physical battle that is CrossFit.





CrossFit: I defeated another (modified) WOD

Well today was brutal, but I finished the WOD in 15:55 (although modified)


Toes 2 Bar

Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Kettlebell Swings (70/53)

I did v-ups instead of toes to bar and instead of jumping to a 24" box I stepped up and down from it... I'm 307lbs jumping that high just isn't happening. It felt great to finish and I know my shins are going to hate me in the morning (the right one already does) but that's ok. Once I shower and eat, going to numb them a bit with a cold pack and then foam roll before bed, I'll roll again after work tomorrow so they are good to go Friday evening for my next WOD.



I miss the 80's and 90's...

I miss the late 80's/early 90's. Bicycles. The Craft. Hackers. Movies with awesome puppets. Tank Girl. Rollerblades. Ripping off pay phones. Original jolt. Josts. Noble Romans before they changed the sauce. Roy Rogers Original Recipe fried chicken at Hardee's. MUD's. Totse. BBS.  Venture. Egghead. Builder's Square. Weird Al. Ren & Stimpy. Bazooka Joe. Village Pantry pizza. Dumpster diving. Beepers. McDonald's space station toys. McDonald's food toys that were transformers. Pogs. Marbles. Skip it. Moon shoes. Gak. Floam. Are You Afraid of the Dark. You Can't Do That on Television. Music videos. Beavis & Butthead. Gallagher. Richard Pryor. George Carlin. Mr. Wizard. Bill Nye. Salute Your Shorts. Ghost Writer. Reading Rainbow. Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? Acid wash denim. The Flash tv series (which still holds up well), The Robocop tv series (which still holds up well). Early seasons of Seaquest, the X-files and Sliders. Seasons of the Simpsons where Smithers was black. The original Power Rangers. Cardboard bricks. The original lego castle sets. Nintendo Power. TV Guides. That kids magazine every doctor's office had. Nick News W5. Candy rings. Candy cigarettes. Bozo, Captain Kangaroo, the Big Comfy Couch, the Zelda cartoon, the Gummi Bears cartoon. Duck Tales, Tale Spin, Rescue Rangers. Goosebumps the books and tv series. Saturday morning cartoons.

CrossFit: first hero, "DT"

Well, it's my 4th week (10th time) and we did "DT" today. Mind you, the just stretching gets my heart pounding pretty good...

So DT is supposed to be

Five rounds for time of:
155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps

In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.


I managed to do 35# at 25 minutes and change. A hell of a lot better than I thought I'd do and I finished, in fact that's the first WOD I've finished so far, and a hero at that! Not bad Ryan, not bad.

Hands down my best day so far but I'm already feeling it 30 minutes after finishing. Tomorrow should be wonderful, ha! Time for a quick shower and dinner, some tv then hit the rack.