Damn you janelle... I hope you suffer... suffer the way I have these past few years... You know what I mean... no one else does... and if they ask they can ask you not me... for I do not wish to speak about it... I just hope you keep your sanity while you suffer like I have... I'll never do to you what you did to me... but I hope you feel the emptiness you created in me by doing what you did... I hope you only feel it for a short, short time... for no one should have to have a void in them for this long... Just remember... you have to answer to your goddess about it... the sooner you free me the easier it will be to explain to her when the time comes, and if you want to bind someone... maybe you should take a good look at Carrie... and bind her... *shrugs* Oh well... I guess its not my business though... for I was unfairly bound for doing nothing wrong!! Not a damn thing!