Some of you may disagree with my decision (Josh for sure, Ash you probably won't care), and I imaigne a good deal more of you. However, during the past week or so I've looked into Mormonism. You all are probably going to say "oh thats a cult stay away from that" Well you know you told me that about my beloved Zendik also and guess what Zendik isn't a cult (most of you said this because you read the website but never experienced Zendik). Some of you will also try and tell me that freemasonry is a cult, I however am a freemason and know for a FACT it is not a cult. I'm going to further investigate Mormonism and come may I'm going to attend a few services and get a feel for it. This is not me announcing a conversion, this is me announcing an exploration of a religious group and their beliefes. Thank you and good evening.