Well let's see... I have to work today... should be interesting considering I can barely stand on my feet since they are cut up pretty bad... every step is excrutiating... unloading a truck and putting it all out AND dealing with customers is just going to be down right agonizing... but I live for the pain so its alright. I hope the girl on our team works tonight... she's fun... we call her muscles cause she is shorter and smaller than any of us... and she tries and lifts the biggest things just to prove to herself and the rest of us that she pulls her own weight... She is also fun because about half the mail population of the store follows her around asking her out, and she comes to me to deal with it like I'm her big brother or something. I like that, I like that a lot... someone seeking comfort and protection from me, and just seeking advice. It has been some time since someone has done that, and never before has anyone listened (although they always regret not listening to me). What else... Lone Hamster has an LJ... thats nifty... was shown it last nite, I was reading some of it just now and I just lvoe his writing style. Oh well, off to be brainwashed some more by corporate america on television... then go against all my beliefs and at 4 go WORK for corporate america *shudders*