Madison and Mykl..
Listen... if you two fucks... want me to leave you two the fuck alone... then first... Madison you stop fucking contacting ME! Don't invite me to go somewhere with you... don't email me, call me, etc etc... second... Mykl... if you don't want me talking to her... then you better fucking keep her from contact me in the first place... 90% of the times you've called me and fucking acted imature, talking shit to me at odd ass hours on the phone... acting like a little 2 year old... she contacted ME... So if you want me to leave her alone KEEP HER ON A FUCKING LEASH and keep her from contacting me... SIMPLE AS THAT. Oh... and you should probably ask her why she was cryin about how you are a bad bf etc etc as well... She is using me to prove to herself that you do care about her... you both have fucking issues... everytime you two have a problem she decides to be all nice to me and call or IM or email me and then low and behold a day or two later I get a call from you... and in these calls you act like a god damn child bitching and moaning and talking shit like a pathetic fucking bastard. You both need to grow the fuck up, if you have issues great keep them to your god-damn-selves or go to a damn relationship councilor... If EITHER of you contact me again, I'll filecharges that will stick like glue to your asses... plain and fucking simple... If you don't contact me... you don't have to worry about me saying shit to either one of you ever again... however if I hear one more peep out of either of you as long as I fucking live, you can be assured that you'll hear from me again...
The Wolf
The Wolf