Ryan Mercer: I have a sad story about irc
CathJ20: the one i went to was called ChatCity
Ryan Mercer: the very first server I was ever on
Ryan Mercer: I used to use the nick Romeo
CathJ20: crazy
Ryan Mercer: one day this girl... came into the channel I was in
Ryan Mercer: as Juliet
Ryan Mercer: we became good friends right off
Ryan Mercer: talked a lot... emailed a lot
Ryan Mercer: shared addresses
Ryan Mercer: but never names
Ryan Mercer: i wrote her a few letters
Ryan Mercer: she got them all
Ryan Mercer: I have 1 letter
Ryan Mercer: its a small halmark green envelope... yellow stationary...
Ryan Mercer: to romeo... from jliet...
Ryan Mercer: on the front
Ryan Mercer: to my romeo
Ryan Mercer: with a heart and a :-)
CathJ20: aww
Ryan Mercer: and an arrow pointing to a cupid christmas stamp
Ryan Mercer: open it up
Ryan Mercer: on the statinoary on the backf... a snail... with 3 envelopes about is shell...
Ryan Mercer: says snail mail
Ryan Mercer: to *
Ryan Mercer: and another envelope drawin
Ryan Mercer: open it up
Ryan Mercer: Dearest Romeo:
Ryan Mercer: How are thou? Mine heart dust jump for joy, for we have found eac other at last! I thank thee for chatting with me. I hope we shall be friends for eternity. By thine way, I love whenst thow talks this way it suits thee very well. I shall await for thow's next letter, fair-thee-well mine dearest Romeo.
Ryan Mercer: With love eternaly, juliet
Ryan Mercer: p.s. Happy thanksgivin
Ryan Mercer: thanksgiving
Ryan Mercer: that was in 1996
Ryan Mercer: shortly after that irc server closed
Ryan Mercer: and my email program messed up
Ryan Mercer: lost her email
Ryan Mercer: and I didn't have internet for about a month which means we lost the email addie we had
Ryan Mercer: never again a letter
Ryan Mercer: just an address
Ryan Mercer: its all I have
Ryan Mercer: an addres... a worn out envelope and note
Ryan Mercer: that I read a lot
Ryan Mercer: and it goes everywhere with me
Ryan Mercer: heh
Ryan Mercer: I'm such a loser
CathJ20: you didn't have a return address?
Ryan Mercer: I have it yes...
Ryan Mercer: but I fear now... she has moved most likely
Ryan Mercer: this was 7 years ago
CathJ20: why didn't you send something back then?
Ryan Mercer: I've found the phone number online for the neighbor
Ryan Mercer: never can find one for this address though
Ryan Mercer: so all I have is 45858 picadilly street
Ryan Mercer: lancaster ca, 93534
Ryan Mercer: and the nick Juliet
Ryan Mercer: i've wanted to write for year.s.. just to see if she even remembers me you know... heh...
Ryan Mercer: but I can't... who do I address it to
CathJ20: yeah
Ryan Mercer: "the girl who lived there in 1996 and was called Juliet on IRC"
CathJ20: Juliet
CathJ20: hehe
Ryan Mercer: I mean... what if its different people
Ryan Mercer: they'll think I'm a whack job
Ryan Mercer: wait I am
Ryan Mercer: for still having this
CathJ20: well then nothing would happen
Ryan Mercer: heh
Ryan Mercer: ehh I dunno I'll just carry it the rest of my life... heh.. *shrugs* as a memory from when I was 11
Ryan Mercer: I remember the day it came to
Ryan Mercer: I was paranoid that parents would beat me to the mail
CathJ20: oh
Ryan Mercer: so my f'in uncle stops by that day
Ryan Mercer: brings the mail in
Ryan Mercer: says "oooh juliet to romeo... ryan has a crush"
CathJ20: aww
Ryan Mercer: I remember the time the smells the lighting... everything... the weather... the moonphase... heh
Ryan Mercer: I felt like a god among men
Ryan Mercer: here I am 11 years old
Ryan Mercer: getting a letter from someone on the opposite side of the coutnry
Ryan Mercer: heh
Ryan Mercer: sappy, no?
CathJ20: not really
CathJ20: the one i went to was called ChatCity
Ryan Mercer: the very first server I was ever on
Ryan Mercer: I used to use the nick Romeo
CathJ20: crazy
Ryan Mercer: one day this girl... came into the channel I was in
Ryan Mercer: as Juliet
Ryan Mercer: we became good friends right off
Ryan Mercer: talked a lot... emailed a lot
Ryan Mercer: shared addresses
Ryan Mercer: but never names
Ryan Mercer: i wrote her a few letters
Ryan Mercer: she got them all
Ryan Mercer: I have 1 letter
Ryan Mercer: its a small halmark green envelope... yellow stationary...
Ryan Mercer: to romeo... from jliet...
Ryan Mercer: on the front
Ryan Mercer: to my romeo
Ryan Mercer: with a heart and a :-)
CathJ20: aww
Ryan Mercer: and an arrow pointing to a cupid christmas stamp
Ryan Mercer: open it up
Ryan Mercer: on the statinoary on the backf... a snail... with 3 envelopes about is shell...
Ryan Mercer: says snail mail
Ryan Mercer: to *
Ryan Mercer: and another envelope drawin
Ryan Mercer: open it up
Ryan Mercer: Dearest Romeo:
Ryan Mercer: How are thou? Mine heart dust jump for joy, for we have found eac other at last! I thank thee for chatting with me. I hope we shall be friends for eternity. By thine way, I love whenst thow talks this way it suits thee very well. I shall await for thow's next letter, fair-thee-well mine dearest Romeo.
Ryan Mercer: With love eternaly, juliet
Ryan Mercer: p.s. Happy thanksgivin
Ryan Mercer: thanksgiving
Ryan Mercer: that was in 1996
Ryan Mercer: shortly after that irc server closed
Ryan Mercer: and my email program messed up
Ryan Mercer: lost her email
Ryan Mercer: and I didn't have internet for about a month which means we lost the email addie we had
Ryan Mercer: never again a letter
Ryan Mercer: just an address
Ryan Mercer: its all I have
Ryan Mercer: an addres... a worn out envelope and note
Ryan Mercer: that I read a lot
Ryan Mercer: and it goes everywhere with me
Ryan Mercer: heh
Ryan Mercer: I'm such a loser
CathJ20: you didn't have a return address?
Ryan Mercer: I have it yes...
Ryan Mercer: but I fear now... she has moved most likely
Ryan Mercer: this was 7 years ago
CathJ20: why didn't you send something back then?
Ryan Mercer: I've found the phone number online for the neighbor
Ryan Mercer: never can find one for this address though
Ryan Mercer: so all I have is 45858 picadilly street
Ryan Mercer: lancaster ca, 93534
Ryan Mercer: and the nick Juliet
Ryan Mercer: i've wanted to write for year.s.. just to see if she even remembers me you know... heh...
Ryan Mercer: but I can't... who do I address it to
CathJ20: yeah
Ryan Mercer: "the girl who lived there in 1996 and was called Juliet on IRC"
CathJ20: Juliet
CathJ20: hehe
Ryan Mercer: I mean... what if its different people
Ryan Mercer: they'll think I'm a whack job
Ryan Mercer: wait I am
Ryan Mercer: for still having this
CathJ20: well then nothing would happen
Ryan Mercer: heh
Ryan Mercer: ehh I dunno I'll just carry it the rest of my life... heh.. *shrugs* as a memory from when I was 11
Ryan Mercer: I remember the day it came to
Ryan Mercer: I was paranoid that parents would beat me to the mail
CathJ20: oh
Ryan Mercer: so my f'in uncle stops by that day
Ryan Mercer: brings the mail in
Ryan Mercer: says "oooh juliet to romeo... ryan has a crush"
CathJ20: aww
Ryan Mercer: I remember the time the smells the lighting... everything... the weather... the moonphase... heh
Ryan Mercer: I felt like a god among men
Ryan Mercer: here I am 11 years old
Ryan Mercer: getting a letter from someone on the opposite side of the coutnry
Ryan Mercer: heh
Ryan Mercer: sappy, no?
CathJ20: not really