People are
Peopel are fucking stupid... they make a random screen name like "jlkjlkjhljh" or some shit... then they IM me... and threaten me... tell me they are gonna "beat my ass" call me a pussy... say they are gonna bust all my windows ect ect ect... but when I say "no you are the pussy, you won't even tell me my name" they get all fuckin scared and clam up... stop talkin shit... and sometimes sign off... It's funny... and notice people always wanna start shit at night... or they say they are gonna attack your property and not you? Yeah thats right... cause the know if they come over to my house, nock on the door, and try to start shit with me... they are either getting their throat slit eat to ear... or a shotgun blast to the abdomen... *shakes his head* fuckin pussies... you wanna talk shit to me... at least have the decency to let me know your name... otherwise shut the fuck up and get a life.