(no subject)
Sometimes you wake in the morning... and know you'll live for a long time.... then one day you wake up... and know death is creeping into you rlife... you just know... you feel it... it makes sense to... explains the headaches... the blurred vision... the loss of apetite... the fatigue... *nods* hopefully I fight death and live longer than death wants me to... we shall see in the time to come... I really have a lot of things to do before I die... and death is going to have to fight me for my life... becuase I need it to accomlish the things I am supposed to... death will have to fight me hard to end it before I can do them... so death... you might as well not waste your time trying to take me... I'm not going to let you... not yet at least... I have children to father... people to inspire... people to help... come back in 30 years... and then maybe I won't fight as hard... but for now... you will not have my life... not yet...