If it wasn't your cousins I need to know... but it sounded like them... heh and tell your dad not to answer the phone if he's partyin man... heh... I couldn't understand what he was sayin... and I asked if you and your cousins were there and he said he was gonna bring you over to my house to beet me up cause you are his son and he's "all fucked up" (thos are his words)... your dad made me laugh my ass off man... he's funny... I told him I'd been in his trailer before and met him and he asked me if that was a threat... and I was like "no dude I said I've met you before "... and he was like "is that a threat" I'm like "g'nite mikey's dad" and he's like "I"ll see you in a few man to party" hahah funny stuff... but if it wasn't your cousins who just called here and said I had their little 14 year old baby sister shaneequa pregnant and said they'd cut my face off and wear it if they weren't on probtation... then let me know... but it was 2 or 3 guys laughin their assess off and they sounded like the dudes at your house the limo nite...