A rant...
A rant I posted months ago... that I can no longer find in my journal...
Government is a pagan cult. When you join the Armed Forces, the first thing they do is shave your head. Just like in many cults, where they shave your head. The Army also uses sleep deprivation in Boot Camp, just like many cults do, to brainwash their people.
Secret Service Agents are willing to “die for their beliefs” (in defense of The President: their cult leader).
Many men say that they would “die for their country”. This is a form of pagan Martyrdom for the pagan cult State.
Many today say that “religion has caused more war… “ and blah blah blah.
But the fact is that governments send out draft cards, not churches. Governments started WWI and WWII, not religion. In fact, during times of peace governments hate religion because religion is the governments’ #1 competition for allegiance, and during times of war, governments use religion for their own agenda.
Another similarity to cults: FBI Agents even dress similar to Mormons, and have the same type of haircuts. Many cults have a dress code of some kind, just like in the Army, and even in the Corporate world.
When you join the Moonies you would probably end up selling flowers for them, and the Moonies will keep all the profits from the work you do. When you work today, the pagan cult State takes your profits (in the form of income taxes), and they won’t let you leave their cult (the State). If you attempt to not pay your taxes, you would be arrested and branded a criminal.
Now, I did a little research into the symptoms and signs of a cult and found these 5 Warning Signs: (to distinguish a cult from a ‘normal’ religion)
The organization is willing to place itself above the law; this is probably the most important characteristic.
The leadership dictates, (rather than suggests) important personal (as opposed to spiritual) details of followers’ lives, such as whom to marry, what to study in college, etc.
The leader sets forth ethical guidelines members must follow but from which the leader is exempt.
The group is preparing to fight a literal, physical Armageddon against other human beings.
The leader regularly makes public assertions that he or she knows is false and/or the group has a policy of routinely deceiving outsiders.
Now, let’s break these down one by one.
1. The organization is willing to place itself above the law; this is probably the most important characteristic.
Example: Death Penalty.
What is the purpose and intention behind State sponsored Death Penalty? The primary purpose and intention behind State sponsored Death Penalty is not to deter crime, nor is it to be tough on crime. To understand the purpose and intent behind this, we must study psychology, in particular, behavioral psychology; like in training a dog. To train a dog, one must use behavioral modification techniques. For example, the primary purpose and intention behind anti-smoking laws is to get you to obey the State. Before you can train a dog to kill, you must first train the dog to obey simple commands; like sit, and roll over. The same is true of recycling laws. Glass bottles are actually much safer for the environment than plastic bottles. The primary purpose and intention behind recycling laws is not to save the environment, it is a behavioral modification technique to get the people to obey the Government.
Now, back to State sponsored death penalty laws. The primary purpose and intention behind Death Penalty laws is to get people used to the idea that the State is above the law. It is illegal for people to kill and to murder. With State sponsored Death Penalty laws, the State is Above the Law.
There you have symptom #1:
1. The organization is willing to place itself above the law; this is probably the most important characteristic.
2. The leadership dictates, (rather than suggests) important personal (as opposed to spiritual) details of followers’ lives, such as whom to marry, what to study in college, etc.
I can give a dozen examples of this behavioral modification ploy of cults. Recycling and anti-smoking laws were two examples I explained above. Dictating the behavior of Americans today is pervasive throughout our entire society.
3. The leader sets forth ethical guidelines members must follow but from which the leader is exempt.
We can see this today very clearly when it comes to violence. Many Americans today are forced to attend Anger Management Courses while at the same time the State uses violence (like in the Iraq War).
4. The group is preparing to fight a literal, physical Armageddon against other human beings.
Three words: War on Terrorism
5. The leader regularly makes public assertions that he or she knows is false and/or the group has a policy of routinely deceiving outsiders.
I don’t think that last symptom (of a cult) needs further explanation.
Well there you have it; the Government has all of the 5 major signs/symptoms of being a cult.
For the philosophy behind The Nature of Government I recommend this read:
It is A MUST READ for all Americans and all freedom loving peoples of the world. It is so good that if I start quoting from it, I’ll just end up pasting the entire article here in my article. So I’ll just leave it at that and say you the reader here MUST READ IT.
Now, the atheist says “Show me God.” I say, “Show me government.” I do not believe in the existence of government. Now hold your horses, I know that sounds silly at first, but let me explain.
Let’s say you were on a ship full of people. Now the people in that ship went insane and started hallucinating, thinking that you were an alien from another planet and that you must be killed. If those people on that ship killed you, you would really be dead, literally. Just because of the reality of the consequences of that mass hallucination (you being dead) does not prove that you were really an alien. It just proves that the people were suffering from mass hallucination. So, just because the so-called ‘government’ can arrest you and put you in jail, that does not prove the existence of government. It just proves mass hallucination.
Let’s start again now:
The atheist says “Show me God.” I say, “Show me government.” Now don’t tell me the White House. That is not ‘government’. That is a building. That’s just as if I were to show an atheist a church (a building), that would not prove the existence of God.
Ok now, you might show me a Police Officer in uniform, and offer proof on how he can actually arrest me, to prove the existence of Government.
Well, I can show an atheist a priest in uniform, but that would not prove the existence of God. Even if Congress gave priests the authority to arrest people on the streets that would still not prove the existence of God to an atheist. Just like a cop in uniform does not prove the existence of government, it only proves that the people are suffering from mass hallucination.
People today are obsessed with the laws of the pagan-cult State. The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, etc. etc, people meditating day and night on the ‘laws’ of the pagan-cult State, as opposed to the Law of God. Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, these men have become cult figures. They have replaced Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Noah, Moses, as the men of God to be pondered on and studied.
Sacrifice for Protection
In ancient times, people performed human sacrifice to their pagan false gods for ‘Protection’ from the gods. They believed their gods also played the role of ‘Provider’ by performing human sacrifice for rain for their crops for example.
Today, the US Fed. Govt. is asking for “Sacrifice for Protection’. The State today is now saying that the people must sacrifice their Freedoms and Liberties for ‘Protection’ from terrorism (demons, evil spirits, etc.) and that the State will then ‘Provide’ them with safety.
This is metaphorically a form of human sacrifice. It is not a human sacrifice where you literally kill someone (like in the Death Penalty), but it is a “human” sacrifice. I mean, the State is not asking the animals to sacrifice their Freedoms and Liberties, it is asking us humans, so it is a “human” sacrifice as opposed to an ‘animal’ sacrifice in that sense. Also, there is death involved; the death of our Freedoms and Liberty.
By the way, State sponsored Death Penalty is another form of human sacrifice for the pagan-cult State, and State sponsored abortion is a form of child sacrifice for this pagan-cult State.
Black Robes: Judges and Devil worshippers
Judges wear Black Robes just like Devil worshippers. The Judges’ Desk is the altar of baal. They bring men tied up in handcuffs before the altar (Judges’ desk) and these men are for the human sacrifice and the entire court proceeding is a satanic ritual.
Sounds crazy? Is it a coincidence that the ‘language of the court’ is Latin (ex: Habeas Corpus) just like the ‘language of a Catholic Exorcism’ is also in Latin? Lawyers speak Latin in the court room just like Priests use Latin when performing exorcisms when you have a ‘case’ of full DEMONIC POSSESSION.
Also, the same type of ‘respect’ a Priest would expect from a visitor to his church is the same type of respect a Judge expects in his court room. There’s even a penalty for disobeying this ‘respect’; it’s called “Contempt of Court”.
Another psychological conditioning behavior modification technique being applied on the American Public is this: Television shows like Judge Judy, Judge Joe, all these People’s Courts television shows. The primary intention and purpose behind these so-called Court Room Justice shows is to condition the public to get used to entering a court room with NO Trial by Jury. In not one of any of these types of shows do you ever see a Trial by Jury; that is not a mistake, it is intentional, and by design.
I can go on and on with this article and offer a million more details.
To conclude, if the US Govt. plans to attack Iran, North Korea, etc. in the future. And if there is the possibility that this War on Terrorism might lead to WWIII. Then, that is nothing but pagan-cult MASS SUICIDE. And the US Govt. is a pagan cult, and WE’VE ALL BEEN DRINKING THE KOOL AID. [Does Jim Jones from Ghana ring a bell?]
Now, some readers of this article (especially neoconservatives) would automatically brand me an Anarchist. I am not an Anarchist, what I am questioning is the role of government. According to the Founding Fathers of America, the role of government was to protect your Individual Rights. NOT TO TAKE THEM AWAY.
And finally, if the people will not serve God, they will end up serving and being slaves of government. I am sure many Christians would believe this, and even some followers of eastern philosophies; for this is a form of 'Bad Karma'.
And, if man will not serve God, then woman will not serve man. This is also a form of 'bad karma' [and it may also explain why the divorce rate is so high].
Government is a pagan cult. When you join the Armed Forces, the first thing they do is shave your head. Just like in many cults, where they shave your head. The Army also uses sleep deprivation in Boot Camp, just like many cults do, to brainwash their people.
Secret Service Agents are willing to “die for their beliefs” (in defense of The President: their cult leader).
Many men say that they would “die for their country”. This is a form of pagan Martyrdom for the pagan cult State.
Many today say that “religion has caused more war… “ and blah blah blah.
But the fact is that governments send out draft cards, not churches. Governments started WWI and WWII, not religion. In fact, during times of peace governments hate religion because religion is the governments’ #1 competition for allegiance, and during times of war, governments use religion for their own agenda.
Another similarity to cults: FBI Agents even dress similar to Mormons, and have the same type of haircuts. Many cults have a dress code of some kind, just like in the Army, and even in the Corporate world.
When you join the Moonies you would probably end up selling flowers for them, and the Moonies will keep all the profits from the work you do. When you work today, the pagan cult State takes your profits (in the form of income taxes), and they won’t let you leave their cult (the State). If you attempt to not pay your taxes, you would be arrested and branded a criminal.
Now, I did a little research into the symptoms and signs of a cult and found these 5 Warning Signs: (to distinguish a cult from a ‘normal’ religion)
The organization is willing to place itself above the law; this is probably the most important characteristic.
The leadership dictates, (rather than suggests) important personal (as opposed to spiritual) details of followers’ lives, such as whom to marry, what to study in college, etc.
The leader sets forth ethical guidelines members must follow but from which the leader is exempt.
The group is preparing to fight a literal, physical Armageddon against other human beings.
The leader regularly makes public assertions that he or she knows is false and/or the group has a policy of routinely deceiving outsiders.
Now, let’s break these down one by one.
1. The organization is willing to place itself above the law; this is probably the most important characteristic.
Example: Death Penalty.
What is the purpose and intention behind State sponsored Death Penalty? The primary purpose and intention behind State sponsored Death Penalty is not to deter crime, nor is it to be tough on crime. To understand the purpose and intent behind this, we must study psychology, in particular, behavioral psychology; like in training a dog. To train a dog, one must use behavioral modification techniques. For example, the primary purpose and intention behind anti-smoking laws is to get you to obey the State. Before you can train a dog to kill, you must first train the dog to obey simple commands; like sit, and roll over. The same is true of recycling laws. Glass bottles are actually much safer for the environment than plastic bottles. The primary purpose and intention behind recycling laws is not to save the environment, it is a behavioral modification technique to get the people to obey the Government.
Now, back to State sponsored death penalty laws. The primary purpose and intention behind Death Penalty laws is to get people used to the idea that the State is above the law. It is illegal for people to kill and to murder. With State sponsored Death Penalty laws, the State is Above the Law.
There you have symptom #1:
1. The organization is willing to place itself above the law; this is probably the most important characteristic.
2. The leadership dictates, (rather than suggests) important personal (as opposed to spiritual) details of followers’ lives, such as whom to marry, what to study in college, etc.
I can give a dozen examples of this behavioral modification ploy of cults. Recycling and anti-smoking laws were two examples I explained above. Dictating the behavior of Americans today is pervasive throughout our entire society.
3. The leader sets forth ethical guidelines members must follow but from which the leader is exempt.
We can see this today very clearly when it comes to violence. Many Americans today are forced to attend Anger Management Courses while at the same time the State uses violence (like in the Iraq War).
4. The group is preparing to fight a literal, physical Armageddon against other human beings.
Three words: War on Terrorism
5. The leader regularly makes public assertions that he or she knows is false and/or the group has a policy of routinely deceiving outsiders.
I don’t think that last symptom (of a cult) needs further explanation.
Well there you have it; the Government has all of the 5 major signs/symptoms of being a cult.
For the philosophy behind The Nature of Government I recommend this read:
It is A MUST READ for all Americans and all freedom loving peoples of the world. It is so good that if I start quoting from it, I’ll just end up pasting the entire article here in my article. So I’ll just leave it at that and say you the reader here MUST READ IT.
Now, the atheist says “Show me God.” I say, “Show me government.” I do not believe in the existence of government. Now hold your horses, I know that sounds silly at first, but let me explain.
Let’s say you were on a ship full of people. Now the people in that ship went insane and started hallucinating, thinking that you were an alien from another planet and that you must be killed. If those people on that ship killed you, you would really be dead, literally. Just because of the reality of the consequences of that mass hallucination (you being dead) does not prove that you were really an alien. It just proves that the people were suffering from mass hallucination. So, just because the so-called ‘government’ can arrest you and put you in jail, that does not prove the existence of government. It just proves mass hallucination.
Let’s start again now:
The atheist says “Show me God.” I say, “Show me government.” Now don’t tell me the White House. That is not ‘government’. That is a building. That’s just as if I were to show an atheist a church (a building), that would not prove the existence of God.
Ok now, you might show me a Police Officer in uniform, and offer proof on how he can actually arrest me, to prove the existence of Government.
Well, I can show an atheist a priest in uniform, but that would not prove the existence of God. Even if Congress gave priests the authority to arrest people on the streets that would still not prove the existence of God to an atheist. Just like a cop in uniform does not prove the existence of government, it only proves that the people are suffering from mass hallucination.
People today are obsessed with the laws of the pagan-cult State. The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, etc. etc, people meditating day and night on the ‘laws’ of the pagan-cult State, as opposed to the Law of God. Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, these men have become cult figures. They have replaced Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Noah, Moses, as the men of God to be pondered on and studied.
Sacrifice for Protection
In ancient times, people performed human sacrifice to their pagan false gods for ‘Protection’ from the gods. They believed their gods also played the role of ‘Provider’ by performing human sacrifice for rain for their crops for example.
Today, the US Fed. Govt. is asking for “Sacrifice for Protection’. The State today is now saying that the people must sacrifice their Freedoms and Liberties for ‘Protection’ from terrorism (demons, evil spirits, etc.) and that the State will then ‘Provide’ them with safety.
This is metaphorically a form of human sacrifice. It is not a human sacrifice where you literally kill someone (like in the Death Penalty), but it is a “human” sacrifice. I mean, the State is not asking the animals to sacrifice their Freedoms and Liberties, it is asking us humans, so it is a “human” sacrifice as opposed to an ‘animal’ sacrifice in that sense. Also, there is death involved; the death of our Freedoms and Liberty.
By the way, State sponsored Death Penalty is another form of human sacrifice for the pagan-cult State, and State sponsored abortion is a form of child sacrifice for this pagan-cult State.
Black Robes: Judges and Devil worshippers
Judges wear Black Robes just like Devil worshippers. The Judges’ Desk is the altar of baal. They bring men tied up in handcuffs before the altar (Judges’ desk) and these men are for the human sacrifice and the entire court proceeding is a satanic ritual.
Sounds crazy? Is it a coincidence that the ‘language of the court’ is Latin (ex: Habeas Corpus) just like the ‘language of a Catholic Exorcism’ is also in Latin? Lawyers speak Latin in the court room just like Priests use Latin when performing exorcisms when you have a ‘case’ of full DEMONIC POSSESSION.
Also, the same type of ‘respect’ a Priest would expect from a visitor to his church is the same type of respect a Judge expects in his court room. There’s even a penalty for disobeying this ‘respect’; it’s called “Contempt of Court”.
Another psychological conditioning behavior modification technique being applied on the American Public is this: Television shows like Judge Judy, Judge Joe, all these People’s Courts television shows. The primary intention and purpose behind these so-called Court Room Justice shows is to condition the public to get used to entering a court room with NO Trial by Jury. In not one of any of these types of shows do you ever see a Trial by Jury; that is not a mistake, it is intentional, and by design.
I can go on and on with this article and offer a million more details.
To conclude, if the US Govt. plans to attack Iran, North Korea, etc. in the future. And if there is the possibility that this War on Terrorism might lead to WWIII. Then, that is nothing but pagan-cult MASS SUICIDE. And the US Govt. is a pagan cult, and WE’VE ALL BEEN DRINKING THE KOOL AID. [Does Jim Jones from Ghana ring a bell?]
Now, some readers of this article (especially neoconservatives) would automatically brand me an Anarchist. I am not an Anarchist, what I am questioning is the role of government. According to the Founding Fathers of America, the role of government was to protect your Individual Rights. NOT TO TAKE THEM AWAY.
And finally, if the people will not serve God, they will end up serving and being slaves of government. I am sure many Christians would believe this, and even some followers of eastern philosophies; for this is a form of 'Bad Karma'.
And, if man will not serve God, then woman will not serve man. This is also a form of 'bad karma' [and it may also explain why the divorce rate is so high].