Someone... IM'd me today... I ddn't think she was alive anymore... I racked up 100's of dollars of long distance phone bills calling her long distance in florida and talking to her for 5-6 hours at a time... staying up way into the night just talking... I'd talk to her online forever... heh... then one day... it all stopped... I called... no answer.. her dorm room mate said she dropped out... no more seeing her online... her lj got deleted... sitting here today... about a year later or so... so yeah anyway... sitting here... about to go to bed... and boom... an IM from someone... "Hi who is this" "eponineoflesmis" "no way" "yeah"... a quick few minutes of catchiing up... and gone again... did I dream it... or did she really talk to me again... I dunno... I'll find out in the days to come... *sighs* Oh yeah, dev... she's a full fledged lesbian now... heh... its cause she posed as one of the girls from charlie angels... it turned her into a dyke...