I'm sittin at school, bored off my ass... in one of my classes with a student teacher, he is a student teacher in this class (some career planning bullshit) and in my accounting class... sometimes his accent makes him sound texan but he's born and raised here in Indiana... so whatever... Um, yeah, well... I should probably do something... Dev-0 um, I get home at about 3:30 I'll either see you online, call you, or you call me. Somethin... Well off to kill an hour then go to lunch, then anatomy, then to political science for like this shit we call "prime time" where you go to a diff class during it everyday so it's a study center for that specific class today we go to block 7,which is our 2nd period "gold day" class which is Poly Sci. Then to Accounting... oh boy... then home... woo-hoo. Anyway, peace.