Started Crossfit this week

I started Crossfit this past Monday and go back tonight. I'm going to Crossfit 317 and I like it. M/W/Th this week and M/W/F next week are part of the 'kick-off' class to make sure you have proper form and to familiarize you with some of the Crossfit lingo and what not. For a bio-hacker like me who is quite familiar with various methods of training I mostly zone out when the instructor is talking and so far I've had great form (was even told I'm very flexible because I can actually do a full squat heh, thats because I work on one of my computers frequently on the ground and spend a lot of time in a squat haha), aside from zoning out during the talking bits it does make me feel secure knowing they are paying close attention to form and correcting bad form.

Aside from being sore as hell just from air squats, situps and push-ups I rather enjoy it and think it's something I'll be sticking with long-term (as long as finances allow anyway, at $150 a month it's a wee bit pricey).


In orbit the sun hits things with around 1300 watts of energy per square meter, why can't I invent a very cheap 99% efficient PV panel, or even a 30-50% efficient one (25% is about the most efficient commercially available ones on the market). I could deploy a huge series of arrays in say a similar orbit as the moon and microwave it it between relays to get it closer to earth then have some geostationary microwave stations to beam back down to earth. *sigh* then I could raise the funds 500bn to 1 trillion I need to build my 'solar laser' to start mining asteroids so I can pour tons of resources into developing good AI, human mind copying tech and an SI at which point I can buy the minds of the most brilliant people on the planet and build several SI's with them and use the SI's to quickly catapult humans to a Type I civilization on the Kardashev scale and within 100 years have us developing Type II technologies and deploying them to get us to Type II status! Oh, and I bet the SI's would figure out FTL travel pretty fast. *sigh*

Zeus, The world's first ALL-in-One 3D Printer

I just ordered a Zeus, The world's first ALL-in-One 3D Printer for proffesional use, printer from for my company Genco Research LLC. I'm really looking forward to it shipping this summer. I can't wait to start offering replication of stuff for people be it parts for something, creating a plastic copy of a trinket or family heirloom or even just generating 3D models of objects for people to tinker with in 3D editing software.

If you've bought a Zeus, or plan to, comment on this post - find me via any of my social media links to the right - or use the contact box on the right hand side of the page. I'd love to start a community of owners so that when they ship this summer we can all band together and figure out how to get the most out of our printers!

I've started a facebook community as well at , it's an un-official group that does NOT have the blessing of AIO Robotics. The group is NOT run by AIO Robotics but by me. I have nothing to do with the company and they are NOT responsible for anything posted to the group unless they join it themselves. I, or the group, do not speak for AIO Robotics.

Electric Humans, EMI, SLIders

May 11th's coast to coast, electric humans... (first hour)

William Beaty was the guest, his site is at

So when I drive by street lamps they frequently turn off, kill battery powered watches, cause frequent static shocks to people I touch... turns out I'm not alone.

My reports are false, self-noticed, a former co-worker would usually be behind me on the way to work and would see the lights going out as I came close and would comment on it. Funny thing is, when lights go out near me I usually touch the center of my forehead and say 'you honor me'. Interesting.

I don't have issues working on/with computers (I've been an electronics hobbyist since I was about 5) or using smartphones etc.

I do have issues with ATM's, self-checkout registers, self-service ticket purchasing kiosks, faucet sensors, the motion sensors at work that unlock the doors when exiting, incandescent and CFL lightbulbs in close proximity to me for extend periods have far shorter lifespans (weeks not months), etc.

I regularly shock myself getting in vehicles, I regularly shock people when I go to shake their hand or come in close contact, I had a pinbal machine in highschool I could generate painful large blue sparks between me and the metal on the front of the machine but my friends could not reproduce the same effect, I usually generate sparks in mechanical switches...


One incident that really sticks out in my mind was about 9 years ago, I'd come home from work feeling asolutely awful. I got in bed around 7am and started watching Murphy Brown on a tube television that was only a year or so old. I'm running a fever drifting in and out and dream that a bright white light flooded my room initiating ont he wall the tv was on, I wake up and have a drink of water and start watching tv again, before I've been a wake a full minute the tube in my tv decompresses (classic crack sound with the hiss of the vacuum filling) and a bright white flash goes across the screen.

Sev Zero on the Amazon Fire TV

So as you know I bought the Amazon Fire TV when it first came out (had it day of launch), but this past Sunday I finally bought the Amazon Fire Game Controller and played the game that comes free with it Sev Zero, mind you the newest console I've used is the Wii, before that the most recent being the Gamecube... it's pretty fun, I wish the Amazon Fire TV controller was a little longer as my pinkies hang off completely and my ring fingers a bit, but I've large hands. Wasted 3 hours of my life on that damn Sev Zero game, tower based defense game where you teleport around mopping up what aliens get by as a 3rd person shooter. Fun stuff! Need to throw the controller away though as I see this as a gateway game that might swiftly lead to a modern console.

I'll probably pick up Sev Zero: Air Support in a week or two and check it out too.

My Amazon Fire TV Review

This is my review of the Amazon Fire TV

Wow, I love this thing. Having used a few generations of Roku, 2 Apple TV's and other solutions... I was always left wanting. When I'd first heard rumors of Amazon doing a set top box I got excited, when I saw it was available for sale it took me all of 3 seconds to go "yup I'm going to order and pay for local delivery"

Optical Audio
Voice search (which works better than Siri on my iPhone) instead of a painful searching with the remote
Allows for gaming (I most likely won't use but still neat)
4x the RAM of competitors
Faster processor

Major Cons:
I wish the remote would have a lion battery, if using voice search often I can see it draining AAA's fast.

Minor Cons:
No HDMI cable, I don't get why manufacturers want us to buy them seperate, slap one in the box and markup the price the cost of the cable.

While I've only played with it for an hour or so, my first impressions are it's well worth the price. It's snappy, I actually have a reliable way to watch prime videos on my television now (which means I'll actually watch them, I've watched 1 episode of Red Dwarf on my kindle fire and an episode or two of stuff on my iPhone... in 3 years of being a prime member). As far as looks, I love that it's black (all of my home theater stuff is) and the finish is nice (doesn't reflect the LED from my tv's name badge or the power LED on my subwoofer).

And the thing I'm most happy about, I can now be a cord cutter! Some of my shows I watch I can get over the hair with an HD antenna, the rest are all available either for purchase or for Amazon Instant Prime streaming!



Google bitcoin...

Everyone throughout the day for a few weeks randomly google the following

"bitcoin it really whip's the lama's ass"
"bitcoin it's better than bad it's good"
"bitcoin is the future"
"bitcoin, I'd buy that for a dollar!"
"bitcoin did I do that?"
"Bitcoin have mercy!"
"bitcoin Howwww ruuuuudddee"
"bitcoin NOT the momma!"
"bitcoin, how you doin'?"
"bitcoin, oh my God they killed Kenny"
"bitcoin, is that your final answer?"
"bitcoin yadda yadda yadda"
"bitcoin, there can be only one"

Let's see if we can't get google to start including them in the Google suggestion box heh.