INDY 1500 Gun Show, Jan 17-19

Jan 17-19, 2014
Indiana State Fairgrounds
1202 E 38th St
Indianapolis, IN 46208
Show Attractions:  Guns - Knives - Military Arms - Sporting Arms - Door Prizes - Militaria - Gunsmithing on premises - 24-Hour Security.
Restaurant on premises - Air Conditioned  -  Military Surplus.
Show Admission: Single Day & 3-Day Passes Available.
Discounted rate for children under 12.
Dollar-Off Coupons Available at Local Gun Shops & Newspapers.
Show Hours:
 Fridays         -     2:00 PM  to  8:00 PM
 Saturdays     -     8:00 AM  to  6:00 PM
 Sundays       -     9:00 AM  to  4:00 PM

Hacking nutritional deficiencies: b-12, folinic acid, magnesium

B-12 and folinic acid

So last year I learned I had a vitamin b-12 deficiency ( Folate deficiency ) during a visit to my DO after my hypokalemic event . Some signs of a b-12 deficiency include:

    weakness, tiredness or light-headedness  
    rapid heartbeat and breathing
    pale skin
    sore tongue
    easy bruising or bleeding, including bleeding gums
    stomach upset and weight loss
    diarrhea or constipation


I tried supplementing with folic acid until I learned that it's not the most bio available and a good number of people poorly absorb/use it. I never got around to picking up a better alternative until a couple of months ago.

Doing some research I learned that methylcobalamin or hydroxycobalamin taken with folate (5-MTHF or folinic acid, NOT folic acid) are your best bet for making up for this deficiency in one's diet. That being said I opted to go with Folinic Acid with B-12 200 Caps by Kirkman . After a couple of months my vitiligo and hyperpigmentation on my upper arms is starting to go away rather noticeably.



Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium deficiency is rarely diagnosed because usually a blood test is done as part of an electrolyte panel. Rougly only 1% of the body's magnesium is stored in the blood. Symptons of a magnesium deficiency include:

    Muscle twitches
    Urinary Spasms
    Menstrual cramps
    Panic attacks
    Numbness, tingling and abnormal sensations
    High blood pressure
    Heart arrythmias

There are TONS of types of magnesium available as supplements, some are pretty worthless doing nothing more than giving you diarrhea, upon my research I found two products I take. Mag-Tab SR which contains 84 mg of elemental magnesium L-lactate dihydrate per caplet meaning 4 of these caplets satisfy the daily requirements of most humans... I take 4 of these a day spread mostly throughout the day so my body is getting a steady trickle of magnesium. The second product I use is Designs for Health Magnegel Transdermal Magnesium Gel  delivers approximately 150 mg of elemental magnesium per 1/4 teaspoon to the skin, (about the size of a nickel) I just blob fairly random amounts out on my skin twice a day, first thing in the morning and about an hour before bed.



Hacking your health: treating parasites

So I've been reading about parasites in humans, and being weird I've decided I'm going to try some of the natural remedies for them to see if anything comes out noticeable in my stool.

There are many alleged symptoms of parasite infections, the following apply to me to varying degrees (mind you lots of things could apply to these symptoms).

Rectal itching, especially at night
More than one vaginal yeast infection
Sores on the mouth or lips or white spots inside mouth
Constant tiredness
Difficulty sleeping and waking up
Toe fungus or athletes foot
Bloating and gas
Food cravings, especially for sweet or starchy foods
History of antibiotic use
History of steroid use including inhalant or asthma medication
Floaters or spots in the eyes
Muscle or joint aches
Constipation or diarrhea
Use of fluoride or consumption of fluoridated water
History of high sugar/carbohydrate consumption

That being said, the following are some common alleged treatment methods for them:

Diatomaceous Earth - Diatomaceous earth is basically fossilized diatoms, they are essentially microscopic fossilized plankton with jagged edges that are used as a very effective insect killer (they work into the exoskeletons of insects causing them to dehydrate and die, I've regularly used the stuff against ants, all they have to do is walk across a line of it and game over man) and many farmers swear by the stuff for ridding their livestock of worms. The claim is they work similar on parasites in your digestive tract while not damaging your insides. Ok great, let's try it. BUT you can't just get any DE, you want one that is food grade, YOU DO NOT WANT THE POOL FILTER STUFF. For Food graid I found  Nature's Wisdom Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth 1 lb (they have larger quantities but I opted for 1lb to start). It's a lot cheaper to buy 3lbs or more.


Black Walnut Hulls - These come from the... you guessed it, the black walnut tree (juglans nigra). Allegedly black walnut hull kills adults and developmental stages of at least 100 parasites. I opted for Now Foods Fresh Green Black Walnut Wormwood Complex, 2-Ounce which contains BWH/W/C


Wormwood -  This comes from the Artemisia shrub (artemisia absinthium) . Allegedly wormwood  kills adults and developmental stages of at least 100 parasites. I opted for Now Foods Fresh Green Black Walnut Wormwood Complex, 2-Ounce which contains BWH/W/C


Cloves - Common cloves come from the... you guessed it, the clove tree (syzygium aromaticum) and are unopened flower buds. Cloves Allegedly cloves kill the eggs. I opted for Now Foods Fresh Green Black Walnut Wormwood Complex, 2-Ounce which contains BWH/W/C


Garlic - Garlic (allium sativa) is allegedly effective against roundworm, Giardia lamblia, Trypanosoma, Plasmodium, and Leishmania. A lot of people seem to prefer eating raw cloves but meh, that's not for me, I am not Andy Dick. I opted for Source Naturals Garlic Oil 500mg, 250 Softgels


As far as a protocol, this is what I'm doing:

Diatomaceous Earth = 2 heaping tablespoons twice a day.

Black Walnut/Wormwood/Clove = 1.6 ML a day (2 droppers full, 1 in the morning, 1 before bed).

Garlic = 4 capsules morning, 4 capsules evening with dinner.


Within a few days I noticed wispy candidas-like strands attached to my stool, a week in I've noticed a good deal more flatulence. I did notice ater 3 days in one bit of stool something that looked like a rice kernel... I don't eat rice but that doesn't mean it was a parasite either.

I've not noticed any x-files worth specimens like


yet though hahaha, hopefully I don't either.