(no subject)

Alright... so on ldslinkup I saw a really cool girl yesterday... then I go to institute... then after institute I saw this girl that seemed extremely familiar... and she kept looking at me... then everyone wanted to go see war of the worlds and set me up with this other girl to go with... well that gurl that kept looking at me was the only person with us at the movie that wasn't there as a "couple" or what have you... then I come home at 1:30 and go to bed to wake up at 5... well I'm sitting here... on ldslinkup... and I just noticed the girl that kept looking at me, that was by herself... IS THE COOL CHICK FROM LDSLINKUP!!!!

(no subject)

Man... so I bought rogue agent for DS and gah... even on easy its insanely hard... and thats when I use d-pad controls... you use the stylus or your thumb and it gets even harder... plus the weapons are just messed up... I know its a game, but they could at least have some weapon-realism! THe game also doesn't understand head-shots... You'll hit someone in the head... and they'll keep coming... you shoot someone in the body and you get the head shot icon and they die instantly soemtimes... *shakes his head*... give me some MILES gear and some humans and I'll be happy... I'll never be happy with a FPS game though...

(no subject)

Heh... so after institute we were playing voleybal... rather they were and I was watching... and one of the girls comes up to me and goes "so who you looking at" and I wasn't looking at anyone... yet she insisted because I"m male I had to be checking some of the girls out and she wanted to know who so she could go play match-maker... *shakes his head* I wasn't, I was staring at the exit signs and she would not believe me... heh

(no subject)

Anyone else see that news clip of those guys squirting Tom Cruise in the face with water? That was hilarious! Then Tom gets really upset and grabs the guy and sits there and tries his best not to just deck the guy... man... Tom is either a pansy, or is one heck of a man... I would have dropped those idiots like a sack of bricks for putting a microphone in my face, and it turning out to be a squirt gun.